Hello all my faithful Charlie hunters. Sorry it took me so long to get your pictures posted.
Week of June 23-30
Week of June 30 – July 8
As you will see the week of July 7-15 was a very busy week for Charlie. The teams kept changing, but all the kids had a blast with Charlie!
The week of July 14-22 a was a little quieter for Charlie.
Week of July 22-29
Week of July 28 – August 5 was another quiet week for Charlie.
The week of August 4-12 was another week of team work and business for Charlie. In fact all the findings happened between Sunday and Tuesday!
Calandra did such a great job of hiding Charlie he stayed hidden for a whole week and I had to give 4 clues before he was found.
Week of August 11-19
Grace is the last person to have hidden Charlie and he his still hidden there. Will he still be there next year? Stay tuned!