Fire Destroys two vacation homes
It is with sadness that I write this post. White Birch Village suffered a loss yesterday. At 8:30 yesterday morning we found Cattail and Heron Haus on fire. The fire departments were unable to save the two vacation homes. The initial determination was a lightning strike during the night that smoldered in the furnace room. We are very thankful for our smoke alarms working properly that allowed the occupants to get out safely. We also are very grateful for the local fire departments that responded so quickly and did all they could to help save the building. Thankfully with the opening of our new unit we were able to re-book all our Cattail and Heron Haus guests to other units at the resort. No one’s vacation has been interrupted, which we are very grateful for. We look forward to seeing all of our guests this summer. For those who have heard and contacted us. Thank you for all your concern and prayers. John and I appreciate it very much. You as our guests are the core of our business and we appreciate everyone’s loyalty and support.