What a wonderful snowfall! We had 22 inches of snow fall in the last 24 hours. It is the best snowfall we have had in over 6 years in the Northwoods. The snowmobile trails will be busy this weekend. for those of you who have not had much snow this winter enjoy the pictures.

Plowing the snow almost came to the bottom of our entrance sign.

Standing on County K looking toward the Rec Building.

Is that Willy the Whale under all that snow?

The space between Red Oaks and the Lodge is always a wind tunnel as you can see here by the drifts.

As always the creek makes for the best photos.

Slow children sign is almost under snow.

Woodducks steps.

With the wet and heavy snow it's hard to see the Spa building behind the trees.

Standing on Hillcrest's deck looking toward the lodge.

The boat house.

Just for fun: Ice fishing this weekend even the smallest of musky's were hungry. This little guy didn't want to let go of the bait.